Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Grunge Fashion: It's not Goth, it's Grunge!

Don't be a wanna-be model, it's okay not to have slim legs or space between your legs. It's okay to be short and not wanna wear heels (Really, who wants to wear heels 24/7?), it's all okay, 'cause truly, nobodies perfect, (make reference to the Hannah Montana song here :D) What's not okay is trying so hard to look like a super model with everything you wear and you just end up ruining it. The Grunge look allows, mostly, for freedom of style (what style trend doesn't, really?), you just gotta wear it right!
Grunge is probably one of my favorite trends, it was here in the 90's and now it's back!! (Yaaaayyyy!) There are a few modifications, though, just so you don't end up looking like a miniature version of your mom.
To site this was posted to...... 
Pictures are not mine, all rights reserved to the original owners (You know yourselves)
Step by Step
I'm gonna dress you from head to toe, you ready?
Beanies, Hats, and over emphasized Head Bands truly make up for a great grunge head (???? LOL) There's also sunglasses (when it's sunny or just over the top of the head). Your make up also determines your grunge-ness (???? for the girls of course...). Dark colors of dry lipstick, giving the chapped lips look actually works pretty well, dark eyeliner, eye shadow and all, it's not goth so don't go over the top. use one or the other (or minimal quantity of each, too thick is too sick).
For Girls
For guys

Hats for Girls, I don't know about you but Guys don't pull of hats very well

Turban Head band (Females only please)
Studded head band, again for girls
 Knitted beanies are really awesome, you know?! (Just thought I should get that out there)
Sunglasses (Usually with round frame)
Dark Red lipstick and minimal make-up elsewhere

Torso (Upper body or whatever it is you people call it these days)
Knitted Sweaters, Sleeveless T-shirts, mostly illustrated (Usually Band T-shirts or Leather for the Rich at Pocket), these are great  for going grunge. You also have Leather jackets and Jean jackets both of which must be oversize (or just big, really) to fit the grunge style.Checkered Plaid T-shirts, Checkered Skirts ans Trousers(Yeah, you heard me right!) Guys, rock your checkered shorts with Vans or All Stars(No Discrimination of designers here, just saying....) As for checkered trousers, NUH UH! But if you insist on wearing them, make sure to wear a pair with fading check or one that is not too prominent on the trouser material. for more advice on how to wear Check,  Check......It's alright (For ladies Mostly) (Follow the link).
Grunge Tops for Females

Illustrated Grunge Tops

Checkered Plaid Shirt for Guys
Loose Sweaters for guys
Loosely Knitted Sweaters

 Johnny Depp is the BEES-


Leather Jacket over illustrated T-shirt look (to the left), guys can pull this off too, heck, they do it even better than the ladies! As for checkered plaid shirt(to the left, Male? heck yeah!)
 Legs, Lower body, The down below (Down to your Feet)
Hey Ladies, put your legs in distress jean Skirts (Ripped Jean Skirts) or trousers or shorts, obviously, faded blue ripped jeans are so grunge! (But it doesn't have to be blue let you spirit roam, fly......FLY!!!!! {I apologize for my weirdness}) Tight; Patterned, Lace or just smooth are just the awesomest things on the face of the earth so for those girls who don't wanna let go of their feminism because they have to rock grunge (which in my opinion is the tomboy [Boyfriend] style),  GOOD NEWS! You can still wear your tights! you could also wear Leather pants, Plaid checkered skirts (desirable length of your choice) and checkered pants work well for the ladies. Don't forget your shoes, combat boots (of many beautiful types) heeled or not are just great! but be simple and try your vans, or all stars, or even heels (i told you, ladies can rock this like yeah!) 
For my Men, Guys out there simply 'cause you guys look so great in the  grunge look, I'll make this simple..... combats for shoes (Laced or unlaced), jeans (ripped or just leather), Check shorts, I've said it before, this works great! and lastly the walk, the stance (o! the drama Harry Styles puts into this!) [Yeah! you guessed it! Proud Directioner! but i also love Casting Crowns! OK, why are we talking about music on a fashion blog? Never mind......]

Pictures here are sorta self explanatory so do not ask! (Just Kidding! you could ask in the comment section below)

So, in conclusion, I'm gonna post two pictures that summarise the grunge look for guys and girls. 

On more important news, this would be posted, yet again on another site so watch out for that, i would post the link here once it is! i have almost a THOUSAND views!!! I. AM. HYPERVENTILATING! 
Until next time, tell me how you rocked your grunge in the comments section below, I really wanna know! Look Grunge, for now (it's the trend) Breeyahnah 'n' Kadora says so!

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